Nature's beauty blooming at its peak

 Recently I have been to one of the most beautiful valleys of Pakistan located in the northern region surrounded by gigantic mountains covered by dense clouds while wearing the mindblowing mask of pure white snow... travelling through the swirling roads to the destination of naraan valley I was accompanied by the ferocious and passionate river kunhar which inspired me to be dauntless, courageous and refreshingly pleasant whereas the tiny pale flowers gave a sweet message of being conspicious and self confident of their wild beauty. Yes its nature's beauty that makes my mind go spellbound in the midst of restless world. I found my heart resonate with the rhymes of kunhaar and tales of people living there how very hospitable their demeanour was irrespective of the provincial differences.

Every nation must cherish and promote its land's beauty and preserve it for the coming generations. I am back in my home ruminating over my wonderful recent trip but somewhere I feel I left my heart in the valley of naaran alongside the river kunhaar... as I know only flowing waters are indication of purity and transparency.
