
Life is a teacher, educating it's students to expertise in the field of wisdom and knowledge allowing them to grasp a better understanding of the approach of it. Worthless things come easy go easy... only special lessons come in the form of tests and the real courage of a humanbeing never lets him give up. So never give up nomatter how hard the situation gets just believe in the spark that shines from within... make it brighter than all other flames burning around and you will be victorous. There are billions of people struggling at different levels only quitters fail and the persistent ones succeed. So keep believing in yourself, your uniqueness, your talent, your passion, your determination. Because you are stronger than you ever imagine and this strength is the most remarkable quality to impress that teacher... life!!!


  1. Right on time what was needed dear and lovely writer ❤️👌 And gives more courage and motivation when these words re coming from a friend 👏👏👏 bravo wonderfully put in words struggle wisdom courage and fight of any individual leading him or her to their victory

  2. Thanks my dear for such loving appreciation ☺☺☺


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