What I see around me is complete hatred and contempt between the political parties in the name of the country's benefit. What kind of benefit is this which spreads a state of chaos, turmoil, and disruption in the nation?
The nation is being awakened or being distracted from major issues that need immediate focus in order to get resolved. Sometimes when our mind is saturated with too much information unable to process it we need a break in order to get it back in the working state. Similarly, we as a nation need a break to re-evaluate our leading parties and being unbiased and unprejudiced while casting our votes.
Voting is highly important as it's significance cannot be denied by the educated group of people whereas the uneducated group does not fully grasp the meaning of consequence of casting a wrong vote while being lost in the darkness of ignorance. Nobody in the world is perfect and the same is true for the political leaders but corruption in any form is unacceptable.
So stay aware stay awakened and stay well informed about whom you choose as your leader... the future of Pakistan lies in the hands of those who are casting votes mindlessly or consciously. It really matters since we have nothing more to lose but only to strive for a better PAKISTAN now. It has been too late already... let's realize let's decide let's be responsible let's take it seriously let's redesign our homeland and redecorate its beauty through our patriotism.
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